by mcl | Jun 26, 2013 | Marilyn's Blog
This is long, but I was just remembering—seems like the older I get, the more I do that reminiscing thing that old people do! I am working on my Hugh Freeze story for August, and just hearing his philosophy of everything from marriage to parenting to coaching brought...
by mcl | Feb 18, 2013 | Marilyn's Blog
You would think that with nine grandchildren between us – six of whom were born in the last five years, Charles and I would take it all in stride when a new baby is added to the mix. Not so. The miraculous event of birth is an authentic miracle in and of...
by Katie Eubanks | Nov 2, 2012 | Marilyn's Blog
My friend, mentor, and second mother passed away suddenly on Sunday morning. My own mother died on a Sunday, and I always thought that was extraordinary and so fitting to be summoned home by our heavenly Father on His Special day. I feel exactly the same way about Jan...
by mcl | Jun 14, 2012 | Marilyn's Blog
This July issue is going to be very special because it is my ten year anniversary. A lot of blood, sweat, tears and birthdays since we began! 120 issues! And we want to hear from you, our readers, because we wouldn’t have been here without you. We would love for you...
by Katie Eubanks | Jun 11, 2012 | Marilyn's Blog
I guess it’s just one trait of our humanity that we are always dreaming dreams and wondering what it might be like if they came true. Maybe that sort of ability and longing for “happily ever after” explains the hype and hopefulness over horse racings’ recent prospects...
by Katie Eubanks | May 16, 2012 | Marilyn's Blog
I Needed a Reminder One of the coolest things about the Bible is that you can be traveling along over a familiar passage you’ve heard your whole life when it jumps off the page and hits you with something you just never saw before. I am the worst for thinking, “Yea,...