Comforting Each Other

I opened my mailbox yesterday to find this surprise book from Joe and Mary Pryor Sherman. There was a sweet note enclosed, and the message made me remember that verse in 2 Corinthians (1:4) about how we are to comfort others in their affliction just as we were...

Tell us about your father!

Our June issue will be focused on fathers. And we want to know your story! Email us 150- 200 words about your special dad and include a photo. Surprise your dad in our Family Focus section for Father’s Day! Email Deadline is Friday, May...

An Unexpected Goodbye

You always know this day is coming, but you don’t sit around and think about it. Otherwise, you would miss all the love and laughter that is part of  the special relationship with man’s best friend – in this case, my rescue Corgi, Daisy. She was known as a “rescue”...

Editor’s Note about Outside In Article

Metro Christian Living has received several complaints regarding this month’s “Outside – In” column. Amazing how two people can read something and have opposite perspectives concerning the message. First of all, it is always our intent to...

Holy Week

“The busyness of serving God can become a barrier to knowing Him personally…small acts of obedience and service have widespread effects.” (NIV Study notes on Matthew 26.) I so understand these words. They hit me like a ton of bricks. My continual...

We’re Glad the Wedding is Over

I spent last week in Birmingham doing anything and everything Betsy, the bride, asked of me.  Charles was out of town as well. So, Daisy, Dutch and Thurber had to spend another week at the “Doggie Spa” as we like to call it. I have an idea there is always...