If you aren’t sure whether you have a relationship with God or where you’ll go when you die, please read this.
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Dr. Tim and Jenn Chen: Faith, fun, and 5 precious kiddos
By Katie Ginn In 2023, the average American household included 1.94 children under the age of 18,...
Leadership, love, and letting go 4 men we love share their God stories
By KATIE EUBANKS MCL Editor Katie Eubanks Ginn recently sat down with four men from...
Cindy Townsend: On life, ‘lemons’ and the Lord
By KATIE EUBANKS Cindy Townsend picks up a plastic lemon and turns it over in...
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CPC transforming lives through relational support
By Erin Kate Goode Most of us can agree that the way we’ve overcome challenges or accomplished goals was in part because of people who supported us, challenged us, or helped us have hope and a vision for the future. For a woman facing an unexpected pregnancy in a difficult situation or under...
From caring for bodies to caring for souls
By Lamar Harrison Having been a registered nurse for 40-plus years, I cared for the physical body. I grew up nursing critically ill patients who often required life-support measures. I knew I was called to be a nurse and thought that was my ministry in life. Most of my nursing career was in...
How sharing abortion stories can SaveOne
By Laura Knight “What if I shared my secret? How would they react? I have carefully hidden this secret, but I am continually reminded of it. Memories of the abortion I had as a college student keep emerging from the furthest recesses of my mind. Yesterday, I saw a family pushing a baby stroller,...
The Bridegroom cometh
By Sara Bannerman I pick up a string of garland and read the yellow tag attached to it. “East entrance to living room.” The cursive is a bit squiggly, like a ripple in water. Mom insists it wasn’t a stroke that weakened her writing hand and created a very slight droop on the right side of her...