April 5, 7 p.m. & April 6, 9 a.m.
First Baptist Church, Jackson
To register, or for more information, call the FBCJ Women’s Missionary Union office at 601.949.1940, or visit fbcj.org>women’s ministry.
We caught up with Margaret to learn a few of the things that make her tick. As she shares her heart and sense of humor, we think you’ll see why we’re so excited to have this woman of God coming to share with us at FBCJ. Ladies, meet Margaret Feinberg.
When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time?
Catching up on one of my favorite television shows. I’m currently hooked on Downton Abbey. I dare you to watch it. Double dog dare you. And then tell me you don’t like it. Mwha-ha-ha-ha!
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
I love hiking the trails behind our house. Though I often walk the same trail each day, something new is always waiting to be discovered.
What story does your family always tell about you?
The crazy harrowing adventure that they’ve just been on. Often it involves me behind the wheel of our car. 🙂
Where is your favorite place to spend time with your husband?
On our couch under a soft blanket with our super-pup Hershey looking out on the view from our house.
If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be and why?
I would liked to have seen the fifth day of creation—the unleashing of colorful birds filling the air and whales and fish splashing into the sea. To witness the living theater of God’s creation, what joy!
What is one of your favorite quotes?
Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God; but only he who sees takes off his shoes. ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
How is God currently reaching women in new and fresh ways across the country? What’s your take?
I think God tends to be old-fashioned in how he reaches people. He does it through the One whose toes touched earth so many years ago. God loves to introduce people to His Son, Jesus Christ, and when men, women, children, young, and old encounter Him they can’t stay the same—they’re transformed, empowered, filled with grace of the Holy Spirit, and alive with the presence of God.
How did God lead you to write Wonderstruck? How does it relate to us?
My husband and I went through one of the most difficult years of our lives. The challenges and obstacles produced a simple prayer. Not for more faith, or trust, or strength—but a prayer for wonder. A desire that the God who shaped the heavens and razzle-dazzled the earth would reveal Himself in such a manner that we would see Him in a whole new way. And God did not disappoint. He began revealing Himself and His handiwork in ways that left us awestruck and astounded. Diving into the Scripture, I began to see more and more this is how we’re meant to live as followers of Jesus.
What are some surprising lessons you’ve learned along the way as a speaker?
Never say no when someone offers you a water bottle. Always say no to appetizers, desserts, and anything fried; otherwise, they will follow you home. Always ask before you speak if anyone in the audience has any unusual behavior that you need to know about. Always pray. Prayer is potent. Use it as often as possible.