By Anna Janes
I recall telling my boss that I felt I was being “called” into teaching. Up until then, I don’t remember ever being called into anything. I felt no “callings” while in advertising and marketing. But I remember suddenly feeling a yearning or a calling to teach.
Becoming a teacher wasn’t going to be easy. I was a married, working mom who didn’t have night school on the radar. But with the support of my husband, I received my teaching license by the next year.
I battled with myself daily, questioning if I had made the right decision to teach. Deep down I knew I had to stick with it. A few years later, my family moved, and I became the new sixth-grade teacher at the local school. This move was a pivotal moment in my life; I just didn’t know it yet.
Once we settled into our new life, we joined a small Baptist church. Now I must point out that Sunday school had never been a priority in my life. We were happy to make it to the church service. But one Sunday morning, my little family showed up to church an hour early because we forgot the time had changed. Only God! So we decided to stay and participate in Sunday school.
That’s when I first learned all about heaven. I was so excited! I couldn’t wait to go back to Sunday school the next week and learn more. After a couple of months learning about what heaven will be like, the idea of eternal life took on a whole new meaning for me. Following Jesus and spending eternity with Him became number one in my life.
A short time later, my principal asked if I would lead a Bible club at my school. I agreed and trained to become a TAG Kids’ Club (TKC) teacher and hosted a TKC for several years at my school. I witnessed firsthand the power of sharing God’s Word. My relationship with Christ continued growing.
In 2022, the founder of TKC approached me about a position with the ministry. After reading the job description, I knew in my heart that every job I’d had had led to this one. My administrative duties, advertising knowledge, marketing background, and 12 years of serving in education had prepared me. I knew God was giving me an opportunity to use my skills to further His kingdom. I accepted the job as state director of Mississippi for TKC, and I’m so grateful that God called me to work for Him.
Leighton and Anna Janes live outside of Anguilla, Mississippi and are members of First Baptist Church of Anguilla. They have two daughters, Elliot (14) and Katie Grace (10). Contact Anna if you’re interested in starting a TAG Kids’ Club in your community and helping kids learn the gospel in a unique, interactive way! Call 662.588.8303 or visit to learn more.