THE WAY I SEE IT—Life Is Change

THE WAY I SEE IT—Life Is Change

By MARTIN E. WILLOUGHBY, JR. Over 2500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus noted, “Change is the only constant in life.” In our twenty-first century world this certainly rings true. In addition to the incredible advances of technology, we simply live longer...
THE WAY I SEE IT—Life Is Change

THE WAY I SEE IT—Compound Effect

By Martin E. Willoughby, Jr. Even though my mother was a math teacher, the world of numbers never came that easy to me. I had to force myself in school to work through the complex ideas in the world of mathematics. While I am no math genius, I do understand the law of...
THE WAY I SEE IT—Father’s Day Reflections

THE WAY I SEE IT—Keeping It Simple

By Martin E. Willoughby, Jr. In my professional life, I regularly help organizations streamline their businesses and focus on what really matters. One of my clients used to frequently challenge his team to “reduce the friction” in the sales process. He did not want...