by mcl | Jan 1, 2020 | Columns, Inspiration, The Middle Ages
By SHERYE S. GREEN In the company of sparrows The longer I’ve walked with the Lord, I’ve discovered a longing to better discern His voice above all others. It’s not always easy to hear Him in this bustling 21st-century world. These...
by mcl | Nov 3, 2019 | Columns, Inspiration, The Middle Ages
By SHERYE S. GREEN The joy of not having it all By the time the calendar reaches November, fall has arrived here in the Deep South. This month is also associated with Thanksgiving, officially observed as a holiday in the United States...
by mcl | Sep 3, 2019 | Columns, Inspiration, The Middle Ages
By SHERYE S. GREEN God’s ‘math’ lesson: Teach us to number our days Mathematics always baffled me. Somehow my brain couldn’t quite wrap itself around the science of numbers. I particularly struggled with math in college. ...
by mcl | May 1, 2019 | Columns, Inspiration, The Middle Ages
By Sherye S. Green Don’t make Christopher Columbus’ mistakes Italian explorer Christopher Columbus made four trips to the New World between 1492 and 1502. At the time of his death in 1506, Columbus believed he had achieved his lifetime goal of...
by mcl | Jan 1, 2019 | Columns, Inspiration, The Middle Ages
By Sherye S. Green What I learned in the checkout line Have you ever done something and then immediately wondered why you did it, hoping for all the world you could get a do-over? I did. Even though it happened several years ago, the incident still...