by mcl | Sep 3, 2016 | Columns, Inspiration, Living My Call
By Sherye S. Green Luke Thompson has tried many times to leave law enforcement, but God has never allowed other doors to open. The assurance that he’s “in the right place” provides Byram’s Chief of Police a sense of calm on days when it seems as if the world’s...
by mcl | Jul 2, 2016 | Columns, Inspiration, The Middle Ages
By SHERYE S. GREEN This particular Tuesday seemed like any other day. I worked to put the finishing touches on a lesson about fear which I would share that evening with my Bible study group. Little did I know God had a lesson plan up His sleeve—one designed to teach...
by mcl | Aug 9, 2015 | Columns, Inspiration, The Middle Ages
By SHERYE S. GREEN A recent radio broadcast introduced me to a new term —“room to live.” The program, an interview between the radio host and a law enforcement safety officer, encouraged safe driving. The officer recounted investigating numerous wrecks from which...
by mcl | Nov 3, 2014 | Columns, Inspiration, The Middle Ages
By Sherye Green As I’ve shared earlier in this column, two themes I chose to focus on this year (as opposed to New Year’s resolutions) were discipline and rest. As I take stock of this year that is nearly over, I’m not too sure that I’ve achieved major strides...
by mcl | Apr 15, 2014 | Columns
By Sherye Green In taking a second to look up from the page of my life, I’ve discovered that low and behold it’s March. How that happened I have absolutely no idea! That’s one of the mysteries of the middle ages that I’ve yet to fathom—how quickly time flies. In years...