by MS Christian Living | Feb 1, 2021 | Columns, Covers, Recent Cover Stories
By KATIE EUBANKS Donavon & Alice Thigpen On marriage, therapy and more Donavon and Alice Thigpen have married each other twice. At their first wedding, a nine-months-pregnant Alice wore pajamas. Their second wedding happened exactly 10...
by mcl | Jun 2, 2019 | Columns, Inspiration, Mission Mississippi Moments
By DONAVON THIGPEN How 2 men started ONE Church I met pastor Matt McGue at Northridge Church. Big John Perkins, the grandson of Dr. John Perkins, invited me. Afterward, we went out for coffee and Matt shared the vision of the church he wanted to plant. I...
by mcl | Dec 1, 2018 | Columns, Inspiration, Pastor's Perspective
By Donovan Thigpen How to engage in politics (without becoming toxic) Psalm 133:1 How truly wonderful and delightful to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity! One of our most important responsibilities as Christians...