by mcl | Apr 1, 2018 | Columns, Let's Get Real, Relationships
By Courtney Layson Technology – How Much Is Too Much? I distinctly remember the first commercial I saw for the original iPhone. The ad was vague, but it left viewers with a sense of anticipation. I wondered what in the world could be so different...
by mcl | Jan 3, 2017 | Columns, Let's Get Real, Relationships
By Courtney Layson, LPC Parents’ Guide to Curbing the Technology Craze Last night I watched a family at Amerigo Italian Restaurant entertain their young children with an iPad while the adults enjoyed dinner and conversation. Even though the kids were...
by mcl | Mar 7, 2016 | Columns, Lagniappe, Lifestyle
By Courtney Layson College Adjustment 101 for Parents and Kids I still remember standing there in my newly decorated dorm room at Mississippi College. All the pictures were hung. The two twin beds were made with matching spreads and more pillows than I could...