Reviewed by Susan E. Richardson

 Street God
By Dimas Salaberrios with Dr. Angela Hunt

His life was about the power that comes from money and street respect. He went by various names: Slim, Running Man, and Daylight. He started selling drugs at age eleven and spent time in prison by sixteen. Eventually he became what he wanted to be—Dimas Salaberrios was a street god, commanding the drug trade in his area.

Being on top seemed to be enough for a while, but Salaberrios began experiencing strange feelings and overpowering sensations. He started looking for help and found it in a group of Godly women who prayed over him. As Jesus’ power broke Satan’s hold, he became someone new. No longer a street god, but a child of God.

Becoming a new creature in Christ took some adjustment, but he persevered in faith as God led him. Doors began to open for ministry and learning, both here and abroad. Eventually God brought Salaberrios right back to the area where he started, ministering to at risk and gang involved youth.

Salaberrios’ story is somewhat difficult to read. With co-author Dr. Angela Hunt he brings to life the world of drugs and crime he lived in for many years. Yet God’s miraculous power and salvation outweigh the heaviness. Read this book and be challenged to consider how God may use your life if you choose to say yes to Him.