Reviewed by Susan E. Richardson


Embrace Grace by Liz Curtis Higgs


Happy 10th Anniversary to Embrace Grace! Few books attain such a milestone, and this one is extra special to its author, Liz Curtis Higgs. She says, “Of the 35 books I’ve written so far, Embrace Grace remains the one dearest to my heart, because it’s all about God and all about grace.” For this former Bad Girl, God’s grace is personal and she longs to see others “fully embrace the Forgiven Life (even if you’ve been a Christian for a long time).”


Fear and our own sense of unworthiness often stand in the way of grace. Step out instead and follow along as Higgs lays out each stepping-stone to the Forgiven Life. She encourages honesty along the way, and introduces us to other struggling sisters throughout the pages.


Begin by embracing doubt. Facing and wrestling with your doubts is the beginning of moving beyond them. The author includes plenty of Scripture to help you anchor yourself in God’s Word instead of your feelings. Coming to grips with doubt allows you to move on to embracing faith.


The journey continues as you accept truth and deal with sin so you can repent and receive forgiveness. At the end of your path, fall into the embrace of Jesus, who waits for you to accept His gift. The challenges are worth the result of living free in Christ. Whether you’ve never dared hope God can forgive you or if the old doubts begin to nag, you’ll find hope and help in Embrace Grace.