By Courtney Ingle

Getty Images for CMT
When rock band NeedtoBreathe performed at the Brandon Amphitheatre on April 30, there was an opportunity for a lasting impact to be made on children in Mississippi.
NeedtoBreathe drummer Seth Bolt discussed some of the ways the band gives to children in the areas where they perform.
“For the past few tours, we’ve been supporting an organization called For Others,” said Bolt. “They help support the (foster care) system, and the money we raise in states across the country actually stays in those states and helps the community where the money is raised.”
During intermission at the shows, concertgoers get the opportunity to support children in the local foster care system by donating to For Others, who accompanies the band on tour.
“We’re supporting the existing organizations in the foster care system that are already doing their best work,” said Bolt. “It’s a no-pressure opportunity to just support the foster care system locally.”
According to the Mississippi Department of Child Protective Services, there are nearly 4,000 children in the Mississippi foster system over its seven service areas. Harrison County has the largest number, with 238 foster kids, and 770 total in the service area that includes Harrison, Stone, George, Pearl River, Hancock and Jackson counties.
Several Christian organizations in Mississippi serve children in foster care and their families. Southern Christian Services for Children and Youth offers respite, therapeutic foster care, adoption services, group homes and more. Lifeline Children’s Services offers adoption and foster services, as well as connecting with churches for the goal of manifesting the gospel to vulnerable children. Sunnybrook provides counseling services and transitional housing for those in the foster system who will soon “age out”; they also provide life skill classes, connection with a local church, help obtaining driver’s licenses, and support services for foster families.
Money raised by For Others benefits these organizations, which in turn benefits the children in the foster system. The Bible is clear on how God feels about this: James 1:27 says, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” Proverbs 31:8 says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.”
What may seem like a small donation at a concert could mean everything to a child in need.
Courtney and her husband, Jeremy, live in Brandon and are members at Park Place Baptist Church in Pearl. They have a daughter, Taylor, and a son, Jacob. Courtney is a full-time homemaker and can be reached at