What do you think would happen in the lives of our children if every Christian mom acted like the Christian they claim to be? There is a daily challenge for modern moms to make Christian decisions for their children and not be tempted by this secular world. Moms today have an immense challenge to keep their children safe from the exposure they face every day. Whether it is at school, on sports fields, watching television, or listening to music, children are being slammed with Satan’s attacks. Christian moms have a difficult job when it comes to raising children and keeping their minds and hearts safe.
God tells us in Philippians 4:8 to think on things that are true, right, pure, lovely and admirable. Think about it: There is not much positivity and good in this secular world. Also, consider the fruits of the Spirit: love, kindness, joy, patience, self-control, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness and peace. We don’t see much of that either, if you haven’t surrounded your family with the right people.
Talk about these scriptures and the attributes of them to guide your children to pockets of the world where they can thrive in God’s way. Expose them to positive, true Christian people, and show them what a biblical Christian looks like at home. It is our job to protect our children, not only physically, but spiritually and emotionally. Satan will try anything to expose our children to his ways. He wants them distracted from the true purpose of their lives.
One way to help is to be in the Word and praying for your children. God will fight our battles, but we must ask. Listen to Him and read His Word. It can be relaxing, peaceful, and full of love for you as a mother.
Also, it is a good idea to place God’s Word where our children spend most of their time. In Deuteronomy it says to have scriptures in our homes, and to talk about them often. In my opinion, this is amazing! If we as moms have scripture accessible to read as we eat together, put the kids to bed, sit on our porches … this could invoke conversation with our children. How awesome is it when your children question, “What does that mean?”
Deuteronomy 6:6 reads, “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts,” and 6:7 reads, “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down, and when you get up.” So modern moms, cover your children with scripture, talk about it, hang it in places they will see it and question it. Create an atmosphere so they will have it on their hearts and will use it when they face secular situations.
Lastly, talking to children over and over doesn’t work, but if they see, hear and experience Christlike actions, those pathways in the brain grow stronger.
Let’s challenge ourselves on a daily basis to act like Jesus, be different from what is happening around us, strive for perfection as Jesus tells us, and demonstrate His love. We are called to be different from this world. We can follow God’s plan for our children and know without a doubt that we WILL be rewarded for it. Be blessed as we work together to raise the next godly generation!
Dr. Teena Welborn is a retired educator and author of “Raising Whosoevers to Be the Heart of Our Schools.” Dr. Welborn and her husband of 37 years, Cliff, live in Florence, Mississippi, where they raised their three boys. They are members of First Baptist Florence. She can be contacted at