Mark McMillin
St. Andrews Episcopal School | Galloway United Methodist Church
Favorite Scripture
My favorite Bible passage is the story of Daniel and the lions, found in Daniel 6. This passage has always been inspiring to me because it reminds me that God is always with me. He will lead me through the trials in my life as long as I stay true to what he wants. “For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end. He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions,” (Daniel 6:26-27).
Living a Distinctly Christian Life in a World That Is Hostile to My Faith
I believe the best way to do this is to live by example. When people see my life, I want them to be able to tell that I am a Christian by the kindness and love that I show those around me.
Activities and Service to Others
Co-President of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, National Honor Society, Varsity Football, Varsity Baseball, Varsity Basketball, St. Andrews Band, Jazz Band, Drum Line. Co-President of Mississippi Children’s Museum Youth Ambassador’s Council, Madison County Youth Leadership. MS Boy’s State, Volunteer Operation Shoe String, Galloway Television Ministry, Galloway Youth Group, Salt and Light Mission Trip to Pena Blanca, Honduras, Missionfest volunteer working each summer in depressed areas of our city on various projects.
Future Plans
I believe that I am being called to the field of Engineering. God has given me great gifts in math and science, and it has always been a passion to pursue a career where I could make a difference in the world through innovation and science. For as long as I can remember, I have had an intense interest in how things work, and I think it would be phenomenal to work in a field that I love. I believe He has sparked this interest in me and has great plans for my future.