Two weeks ago, I was sitting at my computer looking for a job and watched the weather quickly decline within a matter of minutes. I heard a loud crack-like noise and boom, the earth shook, and one of the large trees in my backyard fell.

SSSA-Tree-Pic-for-WebI waited for the intense weather to pass and went outside to check on everything. The tree crashed perfectly—two feet from my fence, 10 feet from my house. I stood over the madness and just stared. I’ve had three, yes three, trees fall near me over the past 10 years. And I (and my home and car) have been spared every time.

I began to study the snapped part at the base of the tree. Had the tree snapped any other direction, my fence or house would have been damaged. Bad. Did I mention I am unemployed and without income right now? That would have been a hard blow.

I started thinking about God in the midst of all of it. He knew that tree was going to fall; He knew I am unemployed. He knew all of the details of that moment, and He spared it all. I am a firm believer that His provision and hand held that broken tree as it fell and directed it where to fall.

It brought me to a great conversation with Him about provision, His timing, having all things under his control, and ultimately fearing Him.

Do you fear God? I’ve had to confess that even though I know He acts on my behalf and has my life in His hands, I doubt it often. And then when He does so blatantly act, I am so slow to acknowledge just how good He has been to me.

So I’ve asked him about fearing Him and this is what He showed me:

“Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love,” (Psalm 33:18).

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack! The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing,” (Psalm 34:8-10).

I want to fear God in such a way that all provision He provides—big and small—become my overwhelming focus as I walk with Him. In trees that fall, jobs He’s working on creating, and the man He has created for me, I have to fear Him. Believing He really does give us His best, for what we might have believed to be better.

It says in the Book of Psalm that those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Seek Him. Trust Him. Fear Him. Believe He can move mountains in your life, for that is the relationship He desires from us.

Remember, He’s got this life of ours. Be loved, beloved.