LAGNIAPPE—Making Spirits Bright

LAGNIAPPE—Making Spirits Bright

Janie Pillow must have been related to the Proverbs 31 woman. She, too, works with “eager hands,” and there is no way her “light goes out at night.” This mother of six and grandmother of many, licensed marriage and family therapist, and talented decorator by avocation...
LIVING MY CALL—A Thankful Christmas

LIVING MY CALL—A Thankful Christmas

By Marilyn Tinnin “Totally Forgotten. Those two words are felt by millions of people every day—people who are unable to care for themselves due to illness, old age, and the circumstances of life. I know as a young teenager, I felt so alone when my mother was stricken...
RAVE REVIEWS—Book, CD, and Bible

RAVE REVIEWS—Book, CD, and Bible

The Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible Thomas Nelson released the perfect gift item for the men on your Christmas list. Available in stores October 28, this Duck Dynasty classic boasts Phil and Alan Robertson as the executive editors. This New King James Version of...