Christian Leaders of the Future 2015

Christian Leaders of the Future 2015

Mississippi Christian Living, in partnership with Belhaven University, is pleased to present the 2015 Christian Leaders of the Future. Over 125 high school seniors from more than 40 different schools submitted essay applications, answering questions about their faith...
RAVE REVIEWS—Esther: Royal Beauty

RAVE REVIEWS—Esther: Royal Beauty

Reviewed by Susan E. Richardson Best-selling author Angela Hunt begins a new Biblical fiction series with Esther: Royal Beauty. Hunt combines the Biblical story with in-depth research, giving the familiar story freshness. Writing fiction about Biblical characters can...
LEGAL ADVICE—Role Reversal

LEGAL ADVICE—Role Reversal

By William B. Howell ROLE REVERSAL—WHEN THE CHILD BECOMES THE PARENT We all have our image of ourselves in relation to our parents. It is probably one of obedience and respect. We were taught not to talk back and not to ask unnecessary questions, but to obey. That was...