Ken Can LLC
Free Statewide Prescription Assistance Program


Ken and his wife, Julie.

Ken and his wife, Julie.

MCL: Ken, tell us what Ken Can is, and tell us about the discount drug card you offer?

Ken Gresham: Ken Can is simply the name of my company. Last year we were trying to come up with a name for my business. My sister, Donna McVey, came up with—“If YOU can’t do it, Ken Can”! So we went with it—Ken Can LLC.

The discount drug card and the company I am a broker for are truly amazing. The card is a discount card that allows you to save money on your prescriptions. If you like saving money and paying less, then you will love this card.

MCL: Who is eligible to participate in the program and what does it cost to have this card?
Ken: Absolutely EVERYONE is eligible to have this card, and it is totally FREE—no cost whatsoever!! WE provide this service to all who wish to save on their prescriptions. All are welcomed!

MCL: Ken, tell us how this works.
Ken: Our company partners with companies that negotiate discounts directly with the pharmacies on over 20,000 name brand and generic drugs. These discounts are then passed on to the cardholders.

MCL: How can I be assured I am getting the lowest price?
Ken: The discounts vary and can be up to 75% depending on the drug and the pharmacy discount rate contracted. While pharmacy prices may vary from week to week and by geographic location, the patient is guaranteed the lowest price available regardless of whether it is the Ken Can card price, your insurance program’s price, or the pharmacy’s already discounted price.

MCL: Do I have to file paperwork to save money with your card?
Ken: No, indeed! That is another great feature with this company and with this card. There are NO claim forms to fill out; there are NO enrollment forms; NO age or income requirements; NO waiting periods; and NO restrictions or eligibility requirements. It includes discounts on brand name and generic medications, and we have an open formulary so all medications are eligible for potential discounts.

MCL: Tell us the steps we take once we have a card to use. What do we do?
Ken: Simply take your card and present it along with your prescription to your pharmacist. The pharmacist will then enter the codes on your card into his system. We have over 68,000 pharmacies in our network—this includes all 50 states, so you can use your card whenever you travel!

MCL: How can we get a card? Do you have a website?
Ken: Simply see the ad below with the card on it and use it as your card. You also can go to and print as many cards as you need. One single card can be used over and over.

In addition, you can take a screen shot or photo of this ad or the card on my website and use your phone to keep the photo stored. But please know that you can email or call me, and I will get you a hard copy if that is what you want. I want everybody in our great state to have one of these cards and save money.

MCL: Is there anything you would like to add?
Ken: Marilyn, I truly want everyone to save money. The cost of everything is currently increasing—especially healthcare. If I can help others pay less money on their prescriptions that makes me smile.

So many times prescriptions are abandoned at the pharmacy counter because the cost is too high, and that person who is in need goes without. I want to do everything I can to keep this from happening.

I was a stockbroker for over 20 years. I have been involved in other business ventures—some good and some not so good. But I have never been involved in something as wonderful as this.

I truly have a business that helps other people and IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE! I am so thankful and grateful to have this opportunity. God is so good!
