
Brody Risinger

Northwest Rankin High School | Pinelake Church

Activities and Service to Others

Among my school activities are Student Government, National Honor Society, Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta, and the high school tennis team. I am the Student Body Treasurer this year and the Vice President of the National Honor Society. At church, I am active in Common Ground and Chi Alpha, the choir mission groups for middle school and high school ministries. I apprenticed a small group in the middle school ministry for a year; I helped lead a group of sixth graders through the early stages of their walk with the Lord. I have volunteered at Vacation Bible School at Pinelake Church for the past four years, and also served as a student leader at a weeklong camp for middle school kids. I also work at Pump It Up, which has fueled my desire to work with children. I attend a weekly Thursday night Bible study, Iron Men, at my pastor’s home with a group of fellow (all male) seniors.

Favorite Scripture

It is very difficult for me to choose one passage from the Bible as my absolute favorite one, but the story of Job is one I return to again and again. Basic principles our faith should be based on are exemplified here. Job’s extreme circumstances do not break his faith; he remained strong and stood in his convictions. I want my joy to be based in the Lord, not in things of the world. God calls us to seek Him as the ultimate comforter, advisor, and friend. I strive to keep perspective on the life we live here; eternal life is what matters. The tribulations we face here should not make us waiver in our belief that all we experience is part of God’s perfect plan for us. To be a believer means we trust Him. Job trusted God through every trial, as he lost everything and suffered physically and emotionally. I seek to do the same, so this story is an inspiration and reminder of God’s absolute sovereignty in every aspect of our lives.

Future Plans

I believe that God has a plan and purpose for all of His children. He has yet to reveal much of mine to me, but he has given me a calling to somehow serve children. The Lord has blessed me with the ability to deal with and comfort children in most situations, and I have recently felt Him calling me to become a pediatric dentist. I always admired my childhood dentist, for he is a man of God. Hopefully, I can share the love of Christ with the patients that I see.