For 17 years now, MCL has partnered with Belhaven University to honor outstanding Mississippi high-school seniors who show Christian character and academic excellence. Applications are reviewed by trusted believers, and we honor the finalists and winners at our yearly awards program at Belhaven.
One young man and one young woman will each receive a $2,000 scholarship to be used at the college or university of their choice. Another finalist will receive a smaller scholarship from Mississippi Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Check our Facebook page for the live announcement of the winners starting at approximately 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 4.
We hope these excerpts from the finalists’ application essays provide an encouraging look at what God is doing in Mississippi’s young people!
Thank you to our 2025 sponsors:
Gold: Morgan White Group Silver: Mississippi College
Bronze: Mississippi Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Friends: Lakeside Moulding, Herrin-Gear Lexus, Blue Mountain Christian University, William Carey University
In-kind: MMI Dining, Fresh Cut Catering & Floral
Aidan Bain Anderson
- Alcorn Central High School, Glen, MS
- Salem Christian Church
Parents: John and Ashley Anderson
It started small — a stirring in my heart during a worship service, a sermon that seemed directed at me, and a growing sense of God’s presence …. I found myself praying more earnestly, wanting to experience the love and grace I had heard so much about. Then, one evening …. I was sitting in quiet reflection, and suddenly, everything clicked. The Gospel was not just a story I had grown up hearing — it was my story, too. I felt a deep conviction and an overwhelming peace …. It was as if Jesus Himself was reaching out, inviting me to truly know Him for the first time. I prayed, asking Him to take over my life completely.
Isabel Fumiko Beauchamp
- Winona Christian School
- Vaiden Bible Church
Parents: Finis and Gloria Beauchamp
(My dad) gets up early every morning and reads his Bible. When I asked him why, he answered, “I want to meet with God so that He will go with me through the day.” When I was younger, he always read the Bible with me in the mornings. Now that I am a teenager, I read and meditate on a portion of the scripture daily as well. My father also speaks words of wisdom to me. He reflects upon Scriptural principles to teach me life lessons. Lastly, he influences me through his lifestyle. He is not perfect, but I know his heart is pure.
Aniyah Brown
- Jackson Academy
- Mount Charity Baptist Church, Ridgeland
Parents: Dexter and Anika Brown
In school I felt that to be good enough, I need my success to be in tangible things. When I didn’t make the dance team … and I wasn’t successful in my extracurriculars, I felt tremendous amounts of shame. After living like that for months, I just so desperately wanted to make these feelings go away …. I went to my Bible, and randomly opened to Isaiah 61:7. I saw that God promised me joy, that there was more than just my shame of not being good enough. I learned that God called me his daughter, and I was much more than my mistakes.
Marley Bufkin
- Porters Chapel Academy
- Crossway Church, Vicksburg
Parents: Michael and Mary Bufkin
From a young age, I can remember (Mom) leading us in prayer daily as she drove me and my sister to school. Her steady faith even through difficult times has strengthened my own trust in God. I’ve been inspired to rely on God for comfort and peace as I have seen her do. She has always encouraged me to seek God first in all things and highlighted how important it is to hold myself to a high standard with integrity. Because of her, I aim to be a better Christian and strive to lead others as she has led me.
Nathan Carraway
- Homeschooled
- First Baptist Madison
Parents: Michael and Kristin Carraway
When you stand out, people begin to ask why, and my answer is always because of my faith in the Lord. I intend to live a life full of kindness reflective of Christ, both in my speech and in my actions. A simple kind word or compliment can make someone’s day and even lead to a Gospel conversation. However, (if) you don’t practice what you preach, then why would anyone listen? Going out of your way to help someone creates opportunities to plant the seed of the Gospel in their hearts; it can even be as simple as offering to give someone a ride to church.
Amelia Rose Cook
- Canton Academy
- 3:16 Church
Parents: Jay and Kristi Cook
I believe that God is calling me into dentistry. My brother is in dental school, and we are praying about a future partnership. He was led into dentistry by seeing dentistry give me my smile back. I had three rounds of braces and months of painful and rare complications from wisdom teeth extraction. I know how dentistry can change someone’s life. It also will enable me to establish roots in my practice’s community. My brother and I will always serve in some capacity in ministry. Dentistry would connect us with many families with whom we could share Christ.
Laken Curtis
- Brandon High School
- Brandon Presbyterian Church
Parents: James and Davida Curtis
My Mimi has been a true blessing in my life to support me and give me confidence that I will have a good senior year and make Christian friends. … Anytime I spent the night at my Mimi’s house we would pray together before bed. … She is very generous and gives to others willingly and without question. She made the biggest impact on me when her husband died but she was still able to provide us all with the comfort that he was safe and happy with God in Heaven. I love my Mimi, and I do not think I would have been able to persevere through my walk with God without her.
Taylor Michelle Douglass
- Saltillo High School
- Hope Church, Tupelo
Parents: Chris Douglass, Brittany O’Rourke
When I was in ninth grade, Paul Epperson served as our camp pastor. At that time, I was struggling with my self-image and was precariously close to developing an eating disorder. (God) used Paul to share some wisdom that would later heal exactly what was broken. He told me that as a Christian and a follower of Jesus, I am called to live in redemption because the Lord has healed and defeated what the world has broken. He showed me scriptures about where my identity is found. My faith in what God says about me helped me accept that I am not my own, my body is not my own, and I was made for more.
Cooper Findley
- Mississippi School of the Arts
- First Presbyterian Gulfport
Parents: Kris and Natalie Findley
I believe God might be calling me to pursue a career as a visual artist because it allows me to use my creativity to inspire and uplift others. Art has the power to communicate profound messages and evoke emotions that words often cannot. I feel a deep sense of purpose when creating visual works that reflect beauty, truth, and hope. Through my art, I aim to make a positive impact on the world, encouraging reflection and fostering a sense of connection among people. This calling aligns with my passion for creativity and my desire to serve a greater good.
Liv Gundy
- French Camp Academy
- First Presbyterian Kosciusko
Parents: Paul and Annie Gundy
One of my primary goals in life is to be a source of light to others. I have realized that I can serve as a positive influence not only (at) school but also (within) our church and the broader community. … I find great joy in witnessing the success of others, which is why I offer tumbling lessons … As a former competitive gymnast, I am eager to share my knowledge of tumbling and related skills … Additionally, I have been fortunate to receive opportunities to tutor students struggling in mathematics. I have successfully helped several students improve their grades from failing to achieving all A’s.
Meredith Callaway Hawkins
- Jackson Preparatory School
- Pinelake Church, Madison
Parents: Russ and Michelle Hawkins
As my Wednesday night small group leader, (Megan Garrott) created a space where I felt safe to share my struggles and grow in my faith. Throughout my chemotherapy, she was my steadfast support …. Beyond her support, she consistently pushes me to embrace my own leadership potential (and) step out of my comfort zone, inspiring me to lead in my community and share my faith boldly. Mrs. Megan embodies what it means to be a cool Christian — she is relatable, passionate, and genuine, showing me that faith can be vibrant and engaging. I am incredibly grateful for her influence in my life, and I aspire to carry forward the lessons she has taught me.
Abdullah Ibrahim Hilliard
- Greenville High School
- New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, Greenville
Parents: Rodolfo and Neda Hilliard
In the Youth Ministry, I assist with food pantry outreach, helping families in need by organizing food drives and distribution events. I also help with youth activities, Bible study sessions, and service projects … These experiences help me build leadership skills and deepen my faith while mentoring younger students. In Sunday School, I (help) make Scripture relatable through storytelling and interactive activities. This has not only strengthened my understanding of the Bible but has also enhanced my communication and teaching abilities. It brings me great joy to see the children’s excitement as they grow in their faith.
Kylee Grace Johnson
- Booneville High School
- Essary Springs Baptist Church
Parents: Charles and Amanda Johnson
(It) wasn’t until I was 12 years old that my relationship with God became a personal one. Through the conviction of the Holy Spirit, God revealed to me who I was and who He was. Seeing that I was a lost sinner, hopeless and helpless, I realized that the only way for my sin to be covered was under the sacrificial blood of Christ. At a revival meeting one night, the Lord gave me repentance and faith to believe in Him. God saved me that night and has never let me go. God has given me assurance of my salvation through his sanctifying work in my life ever since that night.
Mason Keener
- New Albany High School
- First Baptist New Albany
Parents: Clay and Lorie Keener
I believe God is calling me into the mission field or ministry. Through serving on multiple mission trips, He has sparked in me a passion for what some might call the “grunt work” of church planting and spreading the gospel. As part of my ministry, I also feel led to provide Christian mental health counseling to the communities I serve. Having personally experienced the value of Christian counseling during difficult times, I want to offer that same support to others. While the exact details of my future career are still unfolding, I am committed to following wherever God calls me.
Reagan Kenney
- Laurel Christian School
- Connect Church
Parents: Brian and Kim Kenney
As Americans with the freedom to create the kind of government we want, I believe we have the responsibility and opportunity to change the course of our world, so pursuing (politics) would be intentionally serving God while hopefully helping the world turn back to Him. One quote I believe summarizes my beliefs around this question is by C. S. Lewis, “My hope is that when I die, all of hell rejoices that I am out of the fight.” Every action I take, I want to be thwarting the devil in some way, from reading my Bible in the evening to advocating (for) God in the courtroom.
John Clayton Kitchens
- Homeschooled
- Collinsville Global Methodist Church
Parents: Ron and Amy Kitchens
When I was very young, (my mom) taught me basic Bible stories and made sure I always learned my Bible drills. … She emulates what a Christian lady should be (as) she provides me with spiritual guidance and religious education, and she is the helpmate my father has leaned on for over twenty years. Just as Jesus demonstrated sacrificial love to us, my mom has sacrificed many of her wants and needs for me and has spent hours on her knees praying for me … Through my mom’s love and actions, she binds our family together and creates the kind of home I pray my own home will emulate one day.
Emma LeRoy
- DeSoto Central High School
- Pathway Church, Southaven
Parents: Donald and Shannon LeRoy
(In 1 Corinthians 1:26-31) Paul is telling the church of Corinth that, whether they were influential, wise, or rich – or not – God had the ability to use them for His glory. I have always felt inadequate compared to other believers; I wasn’t overly popular, and I was never really good at comebacks or speaking in front of large groups. I felt ashamed because I grew up in the church and still understood so little about scripture. And yet, when I saw this passage, it almost brought me to tears. God does not need us to be perfect – in fact, He loves using the “underdogs” for His glory.
Aubrey Lilley
- Oak Grove High School
- Venture Church, Hattiesburg
Parents: James Lilley, Carey Bigner
I have found the phrase ‘little things add up’ to hold true …. Small acts of service can form great bonds with others, small amounts of money saved from each paycheck can add up to college savings, and small amounts of time can lead to great knowledge. I believe that the same phrase can apply to living out my faith … (Examples) are inviting friends to church and having faith-based conversations with them, taking time out of my day to teach my younger siblings about God … and volunteering my time through (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) at my school, as well as just showing general kindness to everyone.
Andrew Bryer Mayo
- Belmont High School, Belmont, MS
- Golden Central Baptist Church
Parents: Cory and Kristi Mayo
One of (my football teammates) needed a ride back to his house, but no one would give him one (so I did). … Lots of guys still chose to pick on the boy and were never accepting of me sticking up for him. The challenge did not end on that one day – a football locker room constantly filled with conflict. It is a pretty unaccepting environment to mercy, grace, forgiveness, or any of the principles of Christianity. It is tempting to do what it seems everyone else thinks you should, but as Christians, we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, regardless of the situation.
Ava McElyea
- North Delta School, Batesville
- Compel Church, Southaven
Parents: Paul McElyea, Kelly Copeland
Nana attends church every Sunday and she continues to inspire me to strive to study the Bible, pray, and maintain a steadfast belief in God. (Her) wisdom and spiritual guidance have been a constant source of strength and motivation for me. Nana is always there to offer a listening ear, a comforting word, or a piece of advice in faith. Her influence has shaped my values and beliefs, encouraging me to live a life of purpose and honesty. Nana’s role as a Christian leader in my life is a testament to the impact that a person’s faith and love can have on another person.
SaraBeth Moore
- Kosciusko High School
- First Baptist Kosciusko
Parents: Destin Moore, the late Lauren Moore
In today’s world being a Christian is not cool (and) being cool is necessary to some people. My plan is to not let this mindset be an option for my life. As someone who has recently, in the past year, started to know and trust God, I (cannot) imagine not wanting to live out this incredible faith … Being intentional about knowing and spending time with God is a part of my daily life, so I will keep putting forth that effort. (My) relationship with the Lord (is) too good to throw away … Worldly things are temporary, but I need something that will last forever.
Mary Dogan Neely
- Madison Central High School
- First Ridgeland Baptist Church
Parents: Joel and Jessica Neely
On April 5, 2021, I broke both sides of my L4 in my vertebrae. I struggled with doubt and often questioned God … The full recovery took nearly 2 years, and I had a major spinal reconstruction surgery that involved placing hardware in my back and cutting off part of my pelvis to reconstruct my backbones. For months, I was confined to a full-body back brace, crutches, and a walker … Through the recovery process, my faith grew and now my relationship with God is the strongest it has ever been. I learned he has a purpose for everything …. (I now) use my testimony to help others through their struggles.
Gavin Nitcavic
- St. Martin High School, Ocean Springs
- New Life Family Church Gulf Coast
Parents: Joey and Francesca Nitcavic
I plan on being in youth/kids ministry for as long as the Lord is willing. … The next generation is being attacked by the enemy by going after their identity and worth, but I choose to stand firm in the truth that God knew them before they were ever in the womb. He has given each and every child a purpose … God says that each kid is His own, created in His image to do good works, and I want to be His vessel in order that the kids can be faced with the truth: they are truly loved by their creator.
Hannah Achee Northrop
- Resurrection Catholic School
- First Presbyterian Pascagoula
Parents: Jack and Priscilla Northrop
Sadie Robertson (Huff) has impacted me through her authenticity and dedication to living out her faith (as well as) her emphasis on embracing one’s identity and purpose. Her book, “Live Fearless,” and her various speaking engagements focus on overcoming fear and living boldly according to one’s beliefs. Her message of confidence rooted in faith encourages me to pursue my goals with courage and resilience, even when faced with doubts or obstacles. Additionally, her commitment to authenticity and self-worth, especially in a world dominated by superficial standards, has motivated me to prioritize inner values over external approval.
Mary Evelyn Pittman
- Pillow Academy
- North Greenwood Baptist Church
Parents: Harold and Alison Pittman
I am on the Pillow Academy Dance Team, Diamond Girls, and the Volleyball Team (and) am also a member of several community organizations .… As part of my commitment to community service, I have completed more than 100 hours of community service including being a Night to Shine volunteer, paging for the Mississippi Senate, (and) Mission Arlington. My favorite service opportunity was serving as a camp buddy for a special needs youth. She wanted to attend her youth camp but didn’t want her mom to be her shadow the whole week. I was able to attend with her and allow her to participate without drawing attention to her disabilities.
Jazmyne Keyara Polk
- South Jones High School
- Shady Grove Baptist Church, Hattiesburg
Parents: Donnicka Hayes, the late Terry Cole
I believe God is calling me to pursue a career in sports medicine or kinesiology because it aligns with my passion for health, fitness, and helping others achieve their physical best. This field allows me to combine my love for sports with a desire to serve others, providing care and support to athletes and individuals striving for better health. I feel called to use my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on people’s lives, helping them recover from injuries and reach their full potential, all while reflecting God’s love and care through my work.
Caroline Elizabeth Sanford
- Florence High School
- First Baptist Florence
Parents: Joseph and Crystal Sanford
After seeing how God has brought me through the darkness on more than one occasion and has never failed me, I plan to share my testimony even in the situations I want to back down from. One Wednesday (a friend came) to our back-to-school party at the church. I was afraid of telling her my messy past, however, because I told her about my mistakes and how God shows compassion, grace, and mercy on me she then thought about going to church with me …. God gave his life for me to gain a relationship with him, it is worth losing mine to get others to know my savior.
Law Stanley
Jackson Academy
Broadmoor Baptist Church
Parents: Bob and Mandi Stanley
Johnny Adcock is a local accountant who hosts a weekly Bible study for high school guys. (At) one of his Bible studies he said, “I want 100 people at Bible study in this area every Monday night, but I can’t host that many people here. I want other people leading at different houses.” That night he planted the seed, which (with Johnny’s guidance) became our FWD Bible study. (Most) challenging for me is writing the messages to share. … I ask a trusted church leader to review it. (We) have seen two high schoolers come to Christ, and one boy asked his preacher to baptize him in my backyard because of the impact of this Bible study.
Kylie Sutphin
- Discovery Christian School
- First Baptist Richland
Parents: Jason and Erica Sutphin
I believe God is calling me into the medical field, specifically to work with babies. I know that God has given me the gifts of discernment and hospitality, and I can use those in the medical field as a neonatologist. I can show the caring and sympathetic aspects of Jesus and use my platforms to share the Gospel with families. Recently, I have been praying about opening a God-centered clinic where mothers can give birth, children can receive post-natal and pediatric care, and families can be counseled and ministered to. My heart is to use my profession to share Christ.
Jonah Wade
- Brandon High School
- Crossgates Church
Parents: Ryan and Somer Wade
(When I was in second grade), I talked with Dad and trusted in Jesus as my Savior. The next week I was baptized. … In 2021, a few weeks before I was admitted to the hospital (with an elevated white blood cell count), our church had a student event … During that weekend, I was led to pursue a deeper place of surrender to the Lord. I had viewed Jesus mostly as my Savior who had paid for my sins … But during one of the services, I decided that Jesus was going to be my Lord and) the center of my life. (I know this was) the Lord preparing me for the journey with (chronic myeloid leukemia).